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Riding our bikes across the country and building in 13 different cities from Portland, Maine, to Santa Barbara, California, to directly benefit the affordable housing cause through an organization called Bike and Build.


Our goal this summer is to inspire hope and catalyze new possibilities among the people that we interact with throughout our trip.  With every mile that passes beneath the steady pace of our bike tires will come a new opportunity to learn about the issues that people are facing.  Lauren and I are beyond excited to join our team of 30 bikers to directly implement elements of the affordable housing cause ranging from construction and education to awareness and sustainability.


As teachers at a school in an underprivileged neighborhood in Denver, not a day goes by in our classrooms that the effects of inadequate housing don’t take a front row seat with sleepy eyes, hungry bellies, and distracting inconsistencies.  For Lauren and I, we see immense potential in helping put an adequate and affordable roof over the heads of people like the students and families that we have worked for.  For these hard-working, motivated people, the opportunity to realize and sustain their dream of affordable housing is key to empowering new positive members of society for generations to come.


In total, our route represents a 4,000 mile journey across the country.  For every mile that we ride, each person in our team of bikers will have raised $1.12 to support our mission to impact people for the better.  That’s $4,500 per rider, $135,000 for the group, and a lot of money that we help distribute to affordable housing causes between Maine and California!

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